Lamar Cronon
Cape Coral, Florida
Douglas Guide and founder of Cape Coral’s C2 Inshore Charters, Captain Lamar Cronon, was born and raised in the mountains of North Georgia. Whether he was chasing trout in the abundant winding streams or searching for bass in the depths of the highland lakes, fishing has always been an important part of his life. When Capt. Lamar began salt water fly fishing, he discovered a whole new level of fishing that he immediately fell in love with. Having started several small, successful businesses throughout his life, which ranged from deck building to pet care, he decided to change his career path to his true calling. Capt. Lamar has fulfilled his dream of becoming a salt water fly fishing charter captain by obtaining his captain license through the United States Coast Guard. He has also taken courses in teaching fly fishing, so even the inexperienced can have an expert to show them how to properly cast and land a fish. Since fly fishing can be exceptionally challenging, he also specializes in light tackle.