Tyler Christensen
Northern Utah
Hey! My name is Tyler Christensen. I’m 26. I grew up in northern Utah Coming from a family with a strong hunting and fishing background I was outdoors a lot but never thought to give fly fishing a try. After being a hardcore baseball player the first 21 years of my life, I tore my shoulder while pitching in college and was in need of a new hobby. I started fishing with my arm in sling while being out of fresh out of surgery. With several months off work to recover, my time was filled with nothing but fish (don’t tell my doctor). After spending months fishing with a regular spinning rod, I felt like I wanted something more. I started watching fly fishing videos on youtube and taught myself one cast at a time. I was hooked! Fast forward 3 years down the road, and I start dating the love of my life. It was only natural that I had to teach her to fly fish! Now, me and Brooke spend our weekdays plotting where to fish every weekend. Tough to beat finding a fishing partner for life!