How to Tell What Trout Are Feeding On

How to Tell What Trout Are Feeding On

Ever wonder how to tell what fish are feeding on when they’re rising? Here are a few quick tips that will help you determine what they are eating. When you spot a trout rising, it is important to first determine whether the fish are eating bugs on the surface, or just...
Perch Fishing Rig

Perch Fishing Rig

Perch are one of the most common freshwater species to target – for good reason. Perch are fun to fish for, they require skill to catch, and they’re rewarding – whether you like to eat them or just enjoy catching them. Regardless of if you’re fishing for sport...
Fly Fishing For Summer Steelhead

Fly Fishing For Summer Steelhead

When anglers hear the words “summer steelhead” – thoughts of hard fighting fish on American rivers with rich histories fill their minds. Rivers such as the Deschutes, North Umpqua, and Klamath are just a few well-known rivers in the west that get runs of summer...
How to Fish a Carolina Rig

How to Fish a Carolina Rig

A Carolina Rig is a plastic bait rig most commonly used to target bass – knowing when and where to fish it is important to success.   It is a perfect technique to use when fish are feeling lethargic and are sitting...
The Difference Between Spinning and Casting Rods

The Difference Between Spinning and Casting Rods

Most anglers have heard of spinning and casting rods, but might not know what the difference is between the two. Understanding the difference between a spinning and casting rod is important for knowing which rod to use for specific techniques...